This site was created, designed, and dedicated to the promotion of educating our family and friends on the matters of our mission to Zimbabwe. We want to capture you in the same ways we were captured, to gain your enthusiastic support and understanding, and it is our hope that you too may desire to become more involved. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abouding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mission Zim: how you can pray

--click to enlarge--[this is our calendar. you can lift us in prayer for what we're doing according to the day.. and always keep CBC, Harare, and the people of Zimbabwe in prayer continually]

Prayer list for Zimbabwe
*Pray for the city of Harare and its people, lifting up the government (President Mugabe), and praying against the deterioration of the economy/infrastructure
*Pray against the spreading of AIDS and the increasing number of children who are left without parents due to AIDS-related deaths.
*Pray for basic needs to be met- food, clean water, shelter, and health for all
*pray for revival
*Pray for Central Baptist Church in Harare, lead by Pastor Asafa Makan'a and John Bell. Pray for their various ministries including Hands of Hope, a girls' home where we will be serving part of the time.
*Pray for our time at Gateway Primary School
*Pray for the youth of Harare and our time with the youth of Central Baptist and Harare East.
*Pray for the wisdom, health, sanity, and safety of Meg and Ash. :)

Thank you all for your love, involvement, and support. Peace and blessings!
look for further updates as internet is available.

Monday, May 01, 2006

One week to go!

Here's an e-mail from Rebekah Bell- the eldest of the Bell kids (our age)- who has had a significant role in organizing the details of this trip. John tells us she will also be responsible for transporting us to our respective ministry locations, and will most likely be serving alongside of us amid her other various church and family responsibilities.
[April 30, 2006]

Hey you two!

Greetings from the most amazing country in the world (with a few problems but still the greatest!)

8 days til you fly! I'm excited. I know you guys must be as well! I just wanted to write and let you know that we're thinking of you! You must be really busy with preparing for Zim amid exams and everything but if you have any questions, concerns or anything just write and let me know. I can't check my yahoo address often so this one is safer!

I'm meeting with Pastor Asafa on Tues to finalise the calendar for you - yay! Things are coming together and looking really exciting. I'll send you details after the Tues meeting.

Take care!!
Lots of love and excitement! :)
