This site was created, designed, and dedicated to the promotion of educating our family and friends on the matters of our mission to Zimbabwe. We want to capture you in the same ways we were captured, to gain your enthusiastic support and understanding, and it is our hope that you too may desire to become more involved. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abouding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tonight at dinner my dad was trying to draw Africa. So this one's for you, dad, and all you curious folk and visual learners.. Zimbabwe is the dark orange country above [the green] South Africa. :)

My home congregation, Christ's American Baptist Church, is amazing. They have blessed me so much with their support and interest in this mission, and God has proven faithful once again in this endeavor. So I just want to thank all of my CABC'ers especially for how they received me and blessed me as I shared this morning and was commissioned.

also as a disclaimer- I also would not be going on this mission if it weren't for Rachel Sweigard. :)

One week to go, and I feel His blessing on this trip more and more as the time draws closer. We can't believe how far this mission and vision has deepened since ten months ago. Meg reminded me of a story of when we were both sitting at camp, doing our Early Arrival duty that week. We were both talking about the possibility of going to Zimbabwe with the Bells. John had recently extended the invitation, saying they'd love to have us. There were other people interested at the time, too. But as Meg and I were sitting there waiting for the eager little campers to arrive to Camp Sunshine, I think we felt the most eagerness as this idea began to emerge... and we just looked at each other, said "Okay, let's go to Zim!" and laughed.

Well, folks, we're going. Who'd have thought?

"A man's heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps." -Proverbs 16:9.



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